By default, Eloquent already fires events when updating models, but it is a generic event. With the Watch attribute you can set a specific event to be fired when a specific public property is updated. The event will receive as a parameter the updated model instance.
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Tests\Datasets\PriceChangedEvent;
use Tests\Datasets\RandomNumberChangedEvent;
use WendellAdriel\Lift\Attributes\Cast;
use WendellAdriel\Lift\Attributes\Fillable;
use WendellAdriel\Lift\Attributes\Watch;
use WendellAdriel\Lift\Lift;
final class Product extends Model
use Lift;
public string $name;
public float $price;
public int $random_number;
public CarbonImmutable $expires_at;
final class PriceChangedEvent
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
public function __construct(
public Product $product,
) {