Available Types


For JSON strings, it will convert into an array, for other types, it will wrap them in an array.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new ArrayCast(),

If you want to cast all the elements inside the array, you can pass a Castable to the ArrayCast constructor. Let's say that you want to convert all the items inside the array into integers:

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new ArrayCast(new IntegerCast()),

This works with all Castable, including DTOCast and ModelCast for nested data.


For string values, this uses the filter_var function with the FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN flag.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new BooleanCast(),


This accepts any value accepted by the Carbon constructor. If an invalid value is found it will throw a \WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonCast(),

You can also pass a timezone when defining the cast if you need that will be used when casting the value.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonCast('Europe/Lisbon'),

You can also pass a format when defining the cast to be used to cast the value. If the property has a different format than the specified it will throw a \WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonCast('Europe/Lisbon', 'Y-m-d'),


This accepts any value accepted by the CarbonImmutable constructor. If an invalid value is found it will throw a \WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonImmutableCast(),

You can also pass a timezone when defining the cast if you need that will be used when casting the value.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonImmutableCast('Europe/Lisbon'),

You can also pass a format when defining the cast to be used to cast the value. If the property has a different format than the specified it will throw a \WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CarbonImmutableCast('Europe/Lisbon', 'Y-m-d'),


For JSON strings, it will convert into an array first, before wrapping it into a Collection object.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CollectionCast(),

If you want to cast all the elements inside the Collection, you can pass a Castable to the CollectionCast constructor. Let's say that you want to convert all the items inside the Collection into integers:

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new CollectionCast(new IntegerCast()),

This works with all Castable, including DTOCast and ModelCast for nested data.


This works with arrays and JSON strings. This will validate the data and also cast the data for the given DTO.

This will throw a Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException exception if the data is not valid for the DTO.

This will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception if the property is not a valid array or valid JSON string.

This will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastTargetException exception if the class passed to the DTOCast constructor is not a ValidatedDTO instance.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new DTOCast(UserDTO::class),


This will try to convert the value to the given Enum class. It works with UnitEnum and BackedEnum.

This will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception if the property is not a valid enum value.

This will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastTargetException exception if the class passed to the EnumCast constructor is not a Enum instance.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new EnumCast(MyEnum::class),


If a not numeric value is found, it will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new FloatCast(),


If a not numeric value is found, it will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new IntegerCast(),


This works with arrays and JSON strings.

This will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception if the property is not a valid array or valid JSON string.

This will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastTargetException exception if the class passed to the ModelCast constructor is not a Model instance.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new ModelCast(User::class),


This works with arrays and JSON strings.

This will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception if the property is not a valid array or valid JSON string.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new ObjectCast(),


If the data can't be converted into a string, this will throw a WendellAdriel\ValidatedDTO\Exceptions\CastException exception.

protected function casts(): array
    return [
        'property' => new StringCast(),

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