
Here's a quick overview of the new features in the latest major versions of the package.


  • Added Lazy Validation feature.


  • Renamed the $data property to $dtoData and marked it as internal to avoid issues with conflicts.


  • Added support for Arrayable.


  • The buildDataForExport method is now protected, making it possible to create custom Data Transformer methods for the DTOs.


  • The $data property resets to an empty array after the DTO is initialized.


  • Laravel 11 support.


  • Added the dto:stubs command to publish the DTO stubs to be customized.

  • Fixed issue with file validation.


  • Added the after method to ValidatedDTO to be able to use the After Hook when validating data.


  • Added the Cast attribute to define custom casting for DTO properties.


  • Added the Rules attribute to define custom validation rules for DTO properties.

  • Added the DefaultValue attribute to define default values for DTO properties.

  • Added the Map attribute to define the custom mapping for DTO properties.

  • Added the EmptyCasts trait to be used by DTOs that don't have any casts.

  • Added the EmptyRules trait to be used by DTOs that don't have any validation rules or that are using the Rules attribute for validation.

  • Added the EmptyDefaults trait to be used by DTOs that don't have any default values or that are using the DefaultValue attribute for default values.


  • Use DTO as it was a Form Request

  • Ability to customize the path/namespace of the generated DTOs.

  • DTO classes generated with the make command are slimmer.

  • Ability to cast array items when using the ArrayCast.

  • New EnumCast for casting values to Enums. Work with UnitEnum and BackedEnum.

  • mapBeforeValidation() was renamed to mapData().

  • mapBeforeExport() was renamed to mapToTransform().

  • ->toJson() method now returns a JSON string without any formatting. Use ->toPrettyJson() instead.

Last updated