Simple DTOs

If you don't need to validate the data, you can use the SimpleDTO class instead of the ValidatedDTO class. The DTOs created with this class will not validate the data, but will still have all the other features of the ValidatedDTO class:

class SimpleUserDTO extends SimpleDTO
    public string $name;
    public string $email;
    public int $age;

    protected function defaults(): array
        return [];

    protected function casts(): array
        return [
            'name' => new StringCast(),
            'email' => new StringCast(),
            'age' => new IntegerCast(),

    protected function mapData(): array
        return [
            'username' => 'name',
            'user_email' => 'email',

    protected function mapToTransform(): array
        return [
            'name' => 'customer_name',
            'email' => 'customer_email',

To generate a SimpleDTO you can use the --simple flag:

php artisan make:dto SimpleUserDTO --simple

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